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Let's Make a horror movie podcast
written movie pitch notes
Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 16: Fertilized Earth
Dave's sequel to Jon's Ep13 Pitch (Goodbye Tomorrow)... Dave approached this like the 2nd part in a trilogy. One of unrelated characters,...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 12: Down the Mountain
Host Dave's notes on his Global Pandemic Horror movie pitch - written in October 2019... a few months prior to our current pandemic...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 14: Sunken Gods
Host Dave weaves a horror movie pitch around the origins of the Antikythera Mechanism.. how and why it came to be and where it was really...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 8: Spoils of War
Host Dave's horror story set in Asia Minor during the Byzantine era... His attempt to do an old fashioned Hollywood epic, but a horror...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 10: The Last Bear
Host Dave's notes on his Halloween Special horror movie pitch for Episode 10 of Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast... Set in a sleepy...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 4: A Long Way From God
Host Dave's first foray into folklore creation-myth horror with a different take on the Sawney Bean Clan story.. from Episode 4: Listen...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 6: The Haymaker's Daughter
Host Dave's notes from his dystopian British horror pitch in Episode 6: Listen to the Episode on Podbean, Castbox, Apple, or Spotify Cold...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 20: King Fae
Jon's notes on his Episode 20 pitch: We open on the flurry of panicked crows. We pan back to see that there are hundreds of crows all...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 18: Mission
Jon's notes from his Episode 18 pitch: We open on a young woman banging on the door of a convent in the driving rain. She slides down the...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 17: Nuckleavee Country
Host Jon's notes from his Episode 17 pitch - SEQUEL to Dave's Episode #4 pitch 'A Long Way From God': We pan across a blood splattered...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 15: Trying Christmas
Host Jon's notes from his Episode 15 pitch: We open on an elderly woman lying in bed and her jaw drops open lifelessly. There is a time...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 13: Goodbye Tomorrow
Host Jon's notes on his Episode 13 Pitch: Prologue – The Future We open on an observatory. The place is in an excited state of panic. A...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 11: The Education of Ellis
Host Jon's Pitch notes for Ep 11: It is one week to Halloween and a teenage girl frantically pulls food stuff from the kitchen cupboard,...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 9: Hand of Anubis
Host Jon's Notes on his Episode 9 pitch: A young boy with big round glasses stares at an Egyptian mummy as the credits roll across. He...
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Let's Make a Horror Movie podcast
Episode 19: The Vaults
Dave's Episode 19 notes on 'The Vaults' - set in Edinburgh's South Bridge Vaults
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